Emilio Isgrò


Germano Celant curates the anthological exhibition of Maestro Emilio Isgrò. The space is deliberately modified by diagonal wall lines which, like erasures, break it up in a rhythmic way. The lines of light on the ceiling reflect this structure, amplifying it




Cini Foundation, Venice – Italy


Germano Celant

The Fondazione Giorgio Cini proposes: Emilio Isgrò. Curated by Germano Celant, in collaboration with the artist and the Emilio Isgrò Archive, the exhibition is a broad survey reconstructing Isgrò’s creative and aesthetic journey, spanning from the 1960s to the present day. The rich selection of works begins with the first erasures of books (1964) and continues with poems on emulsified canvases and the Storie rosse (Red Stories) to arrive at the imposing, complex series of texts erased in the historic volumes of the Enciclopedia Treccani (1970) and in the more recent ethnic volumes of the Codici ottomani (Ottoman Codices, 2010). The rooms in the Napoleonic Wing of the Fondazione Cini will have additional transversal and diagonal partitions to break up and modify the space, almost as if they were lines on a sheet of paper. They will in fact serve as paper supports for the results of a new enormous operation of erasure, conducted once again on literary material. For the visitor, it will be like entering a large book, visually modified by the artist. The exhibition is being staged with the support of Intesa Sanpaolo – Direzione Arte, Cultura e Beni Storici nell’Ambito di Progetto Cultura.
